Saturday, May 1, 2010

"And with that," she said matter-of-factly, "I'm going to sleep. Please do not wake me, dear, for it is in this sleep that I shall regain all my other worldly strength. I'll recharge my batteries, oil the gears and cleanse the interior... just give me some time."

"Alright,"I replied, though at that time I had been quite unsure of what exactly she was talking about. "I'll give you this time you ask for, but I...well, I can't guarantee that I can ensure your safety while you slumber."

My words were met only with a blank expression, so I continued on,
"As time passes, your insides will become better, but that outside part I'm not so sure of. I have other things to attend to, people to see, errands to run. So whatever happens, happens. Fix it all, but run the risk of husking your shell or chipping away at it. It's your choice."

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