Sunday, September 27, 2009


Sometimes I feel like our society supports a very negative stigma about treating mental health.

Because hey, if you need to go to a therapist of psychologist, there must be something extremely wrong with you, right?

Usually if I mention to people that I have been to a therapist, I get all the physical cues of uncomfortableness; the slight raise of the shoulders, rapid blinking of the eyes, aversion of gaze...Since when was it an odd notion to take care of yourself? Sure, you can try and work things out all on your own, I'm all for that, but why are alternate options looked down upon so often?

Personally, I think that everyone should have some sort of therapist. Everyone has problems. It's nice to have an objective listener to work them out with.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Katamari Forever! & Chub Chubz.

Today I picked up my copy of Katamari Forever for the PS3. This has always been one of my favorite series, both for the PS2 and PSP (unfortunately I do not have an XBOX console to have played Beautiful Katamari on). Katamari Forever is amazingly even more addicting than the first versions in the series. Both old and new levels are available, the graphics are as crazy as ever but more visually appealing, music is still catchy-cute, and the gameplay runs smoother. It's a must for fans.

On a completely different note, I finally got a scale in my not-so-new room. Lo and behold, since the beginning of this stressful semester I have gained about 5-7pounds. Terrible. I was unhappy with my weight before and this has definitely added to my dissatisfaction.

I have always been a bigger person in general - an affinity for sweets and several hours of sitting and studying a day does not help my case! Since college started I fee like I just keep gaining and gaining weight. I need to start bringing my own food to school more often (I'm there for literally twelve hours), and somehow make time for the gym again. This was so much easier in high school.

Today my friend stumbled across a site called 美人時計Bijin Tokei or in literal English, "Beautiful Girl Watch." This site updates every couple of minutes with a picture of a different pretty girl holding up a sign of the time, along with random stats about that girl. Neat!

/end random post.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I have never really been up to speed with Japanese music; there are few songs that I actually like. I heard this one and was surprised to find that I liked it! It's not my usual choice of Japanese music, but it's cute.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Done picking up the pieces.

I am finally over it all. I have gathered all the shattered remnants of my self-esteem and trust and pieced them back together. A chip remains forgotten here and there, but I've finally managed to branch out and allow myself to make new friends.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I enjoy being busy. Heck, I kind of revel in it.

School. Work. Hang out with friends. School. Fieldwork. Homework. School. Work. Homework. HangoutHangoutHangoutHangoutHangout Homework. Repeat.

Weekends are not adequate because there are tasks to be carried out.

I need one day, just ONE day in there to be precisely "BLARGH". To just veg out and play some video games, lie in bed, read, and eat comfort foods. Basically, a day to be somewhat of a lazyass.
