I finished my degree in Child/Adolescent Development this spring. Since I was a preteen, I had been set on becoming some sort of educator in the future. Now, in light of everything, I’m not sure anymore.
I could become an elementary school teacher, a college professor, a child psychologist, a pediatrician, a child product designer, or an ESL professional. I could even work in an office if I so desired. And if I really wanted to go back to school and earn a degree in something totally different, I could. School has never jaded me.
Truth be told, I don’t know what I want anymore. I still heavily believe in education; I’m a huge proponent of “children are our future”, as cliché and cheesy as it may sound. Children have the highest potential to better our world. It is through quality education and learning that people avoid being ignorant, committing unintelligent acts, and can seek alternate routes to peace.
Instead of choosing something, I’m running off to another country for a year.
Sayonara, confrontation.
A year is a long time. When I think back to what I was doing around this time last year, it feels like a whole different reality. Generally speaking, a year isn’t really that long to be away from home… but it is for me. I like my life at home, my room, my privacy, heck, I’m pretty happy with the way everything in my life has been going recently.
I can’t help but feel like I’m running away from something. I would say I’m constructively up and leaving for a year, since I’ll be earning another degree, but that sense of abandon still lingers behind.
I don’t want to make a decision yet. When it comes down to it, though, if I don’t settle on something, I’ll end up with nothing.
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