I have nothing to post about, I've been happy as a little clam lately!
I'm not one of those people who says, "Things are finally turning around for me!" That's an incredibly self-pitying and self-viticmizing mindset to have (not to mention annoying beyond belief). Instead I'm going to say, "Things just keep getting better and better!" (Cue big ol' :D-like grin here). Though I'll admit, I can probably only say that because I've been fortunate enough for nothing seriously bad to have happened to me lately or...well, ever? In the past I got disgruntled with petty annoyances. I'd find little things to complain about when everything was fine, and I'd whine to myself or others I felt comfortable with. We all do this to some extent, but over the years this has just lessened and lessened. I don't know if that's the "maturity" kicking in or some other acquisition.
I feel like I've just been drifting through life, riding the waves of good things as they happen and tromping through the annoying or frustrating things with ease. Is that a boastful thing to say? Is it childish to reflect, "Well, hey, nothing bad ever happens to me?" Actually, I wouldn't really say that. I'd say something more along the lines of "Well, hey, nothing bad has ever happened to me yet." But then I'd be expecting something bad, and that's not a very positive mindset to have, is it? Okay, okay, I got it. "I'm happy. I'm grateful. No matter what may come, I'll try my best to keep it that way." I like that optimism. It's something that I had in abundance as a kid, then it just sort of melted away and reformed at times during adolescence, and now it's back. And back to stay? I hope so. :)
/end circular crazy rant
ReplyDeleteXD Kristine is a part of my life that makes it that much better. WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!