There is a point in your life where you realize that everyone is just keeping up a facade of who they they think are, who they want to be, or who they believe they should be. We live in a culture obsessed with stuff (I'm no exception) and with maintaining an image. Why is this so important? Why can't people just be who they are at the very core of their being? No masks, no fronts, no letting petty things define you. (Though sometimes I am convinced that some minds have been so squandered that this superficial biomass is who they really are, deep-down to their insides).
Why can't people just be happy with who they are when they are stripped of everything else?
Is that not beautiful enough? Worth enough? Interesting enough?
In the long run, it's neither beautiful nor interesting. But it's how we survive in a community--to be obsessed with our images. Otherwise we tend to be cast away. Then again, there are those who care little about what others think about them. Admirable.