Have you ever wanted something so badly that you kept telling yourself it wouldn't happen, just so that you wouldn't be crushed and disappointed when it didn't?
I was experiencing that these past couple of weeks. I had applied to study abroad on what I liked to term " a whim", but that's far from the truth. I visited the Waseda campus when I went to Japan over winter break, and I thought it was absolutely amazing. A very safe, nature-filled college town with many international students - perfect, right? However, the fact that the program I was aiming for was so competitive encouraged me to discourage myself from getting my hopes up, which is just what I did for quite some time.
The application process was an endless 30+pages of hell, letters of recommendation, transcripts and essays, but I did it anyway. As the notification of acceptance date grew nearer, I began to try and envision myself in the school I wanted to be in, doing exactly what I wanted to do. I could see the acceptance letter in my hands, imagine how I would decorate my apartment or dorm room, and could see myself ambling down streets full of neon characterized signs. My mom is one of those people who believes that you tell the obedient universe what to do, form follows thought, and nothing ever comes out of being pessimistic.
And you know what? I got in.
A majorly discounted year in a top-notch school in Tokyo.
The best part of all this is that I can finish a second degree in less than a year in a different country, though all things considered, I have to allocate enough money first. The experience is worth the cost, though, I suppose.