Saturday, April 11, 2009

Desk items - a Picture Post!

Today is a picture post!
Photobucket kinda ruined the quality, but enjoy random photos!

My desk on a typical afternoon.
 Yes, I know, it's ridiculously colorful. 
That big bread thing was my unhealthy brunch, courtesy of the bakery.

I recently switched out my planner on the left for the one on the right. 
I love the little sketches on it and it's more convenient as it is monthly instead of weekly:

These are my two favorite journals/sketchbooks. 
The one on the left has adorable sketches already in it:

My pencil bag is Paris?

I bought this book in light of planning to spend almost a month in China this summer. The depiction of Chinese people on the front is funny, especially since the people repeat :D

Mmmm, tea. 


  1. You're so organized. I wish I could be more like you but living with a messy boyfriend makes it hard.

  2. Thank you! My organization would suffer if I had a messy boyfriend too C: but I'm sure it's worth it!

  3. youre so cool. i swear to god lol all of ur little cute things and ur blog..i REALLy like it not being a suck up or anything but i dont like many things -___- ur blog is interesting. I hope that you always update it ESPECIALLY when u go to china and japan! i want lotsssss of pics :)

  4. xD lucky lucky I wanted to go to China this year but parents were like --- eh next year. xD

    Have fun!!! Indulge in the food >w<
