Probably not, but most definitely a very good week.
Despite maintaining a three-week-and-running cold, doing the usual amounts of school work and working 9 hours every Friday, these past couple of weeks have become increasingly better and better. Not that my life was terrible or bad before; I've just had many new positive things enter my life.
I won't give you the day-by-day play, but this past week was not at all stressful since I got a lot of work done early. This allowed me to hangout with people every weekday after school, get some projects done, find some really good bargains, and catch up on some reading.
At the beginning of the week I concluded a weekend of putting a lot of things into perspective. What I want to do with my life, where I want to go, how I can change my outlook and accept things I cannot change...and I began the week feeling optimistic and happy about things and ended the week that way.
During the week I also:
1. Got a pay raise to $11 an hour at work.
2. Received A's on my remaining midterms.
3. Possibly received a large sum of money from my University.
4. Found out I was going to the Philippines with my entire family for 3 weeks during Christmas/New Years!!!
Speaking of #3, I am 70% sure that I will be doing my practicum in-service teaching hours in China for three weeks. I can fulfill my upper division, semester-long requirement by working with children circa Shanghai during the summer. China isn't exactly number one on my places to visit list, but I think the interaction experience is rare and I'm contemplating completing the class abroad.
This weekend was full of good friends, fun, birthday parties, dancing, haunting old hangouts, lunch dates, and having a really nice Tokyo Table dinner with my father and brother.
Even if the weeks to come aren't as crammed full of events as desirable, I'm determined to keep looking up...and up...and up...because that's where things just seem to keep going. : )
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