Puchi Petite Miniatures
As a child, I collected fake plastic food and animal miniatures. Somehow this transgressed into a love for miniatures of just about anything. I receive Puchi boxes as gifts often, and I love each and every one of them! I even have a miniature display cabinet for the food miniatures.

My dog, Mitzy, is nearly 13 years old. I've had her for 11 years now, and I can't imagine life without her.

Old Family Photos
This is a picture of my mom from 1973 (she is about 23-years-old here). She said she often made her own dresses, like the one in this picture.

Maybe Baby Perfume by Benefit
I switch around on perfumes a lot, but I've been using Maybe Baby by Benefit for quite some time now. It's good for everyday use and outings - it smells girly and clean and I love it.

Goma Ice-cream
"Goma" is black sesame seed ice-cream. I know it sounds questionable as an ice-cream, but it is absolutely wonderful. I haven't had Goma flavored ice-cream since I was in Japan, but I recently found a restaurant that sells this flavor...I forgot how much I liked it!

Loose Leaf Tea
There's something relaxing and authentic about loose leaf tea. I love this container, despite the drug inference it may make. :)

Afternoon Naps
Nothing beats a power nap after lunch!